IJCB 2024 Award Winners

Best Poster Runner-Up Award

Assessing the Reliability of Biometric Authentication on Virtual Reality Devices

Ketan Kotwal (Idiap Research Institute); Gokhan Ozbulak (Idiap); Sébastien Marcel (IDIAP)

Best Poster Award

RuleBoost: A Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Robust Deepfake Detection

Muhammad Anas Raza (Oakland University); Khalid Mahmood Malik (University of Michigan-Flint); Ijaz ul Haq (University of Michigan-Flint)

Best Student Paper Award

FDWST: Fingerphoto Deblurring using Wavelet Style Transfer

David C Keaton (West Virginia University); Amol S Joshi (West Virginia University); Jeremy M Dawson (West Virginia University); Nasser Nasrabadi (West Virginia University)

Best Paper Runner-Up Award

Biometric Authentication Based on Enhanced Remote Photoplethysmography Signal Morphology

Zhaodong Sun (University of Oulu); Xiaobai Li (Zhejiang University); Jukka Komulainen (University of oulu, finland); Guoying Zhao (University of Oulu)

Best Paper Award

Keystroke Dynamics Against Academic Dishonesty in the Age of LLMs

Debnath Kundu (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi); Atharva Mehta (IIITD); Rajesh Kumar (Bucknell University); Naman Lal (MIDAS Lab, IIIT Delhi); Avinash Anand (IIIT Delhi); Apoorv Singh (MIDAS, IIIT Delhi); Rajiv Ratn Shah (IIIT Delhi)

BTAS/IJCB 5 Year Highest Impact Award

Multi-task Learning for Detecting and Segmenting Manipulated Facial Images and Videos

Huy H. Nguyen, Fuming Fang, Junichi Yamagishi, Isao Echizen

2024 IAPR Best Biometrics Student Paper Award

Yuxiang Guo, Siyuan Huang, Ram Prabhakar Kathirvel, Chun Pong Lau, Rama Chellappa, Cheng Peng, Distillation-guided Representation Learning for Unconstrained Gait Recognition.