Accepted Papers

Paper Title
Latent Fingerprint Matching via Dense Minutia Descriptor
Towards Zero-Shot Interpretable Human Recognition: A 2D-3D Registration Framework
LAMDA: Label Agnostic Mixup for Domain Adaptation in Iris Recognition
Score Normalization for Demographic Fairness in Face Recognition
Establishing a Baseline for Gaze-driven Authentication Performance in VR: A Breadth-First Investigation on a Very Large Dataset
On the Trustworthiness of Face Morphing Attack Detectors
On Cropping for Gait Recognition: Does Constant-velocity Locomotion Assumption Improve Gait Recognition Accuracy?
Flexible-Modal Deception Detection with Audio-Visual Adapter
Video Anomaly Detection in Overlapping Data: The More Cameras, the Better?
Long-Range Biometric Identification in Real World Scenarios: A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework Based on Missions
Greedy-DiM: Greedy Algorithms for Unreasonably Effective Face Morphs
Evaluating Face Recognition Performance on Synthetic Data: A Comprehensive Analysis of Methodologies and Benchmarks
Biometric Authentication Based on Enhanced Remote Photoplethysmography Signal Morphology
Contactless Fingerprint Biometric Anti-Spoofing: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Approach
On the Impact of Face Image Quality on Morphing Attack Detection
V-MAD: Video-based Morphing Attack Detection in operational scenarios
BLIP-Adapter: Bridging Vision-Language Models with Adapters for Face Anti-spoofing
Modality Agnostic Heterogeneous Face Recognition with Switch Style Modulators
Adaptive deep iris feature extractor at arbitrary resolutions
Revisiting Linearization of Spatial Maps in SoTA Face Recognition Backbone
Learning a Robust Minutiae Extractor via an Ensemble of Expert Models
Deep Generative Attacks and Countermeasures for Data-Driven Offline Signature Verification
A novel and responsible dataset for presentation attack detection on mobile devices
Straight Through Gumbel Softmax Estimator based Bimodal Neural Architecture Search for Audio-Visual  Deepfake Detection
Useckit: An Open-Source Deep-Learning Toolkit Bundling State-Of-The-Art Algorithms for Evaluating Behavioral Biometrics
Privacy-Safe Iris Presentation Attack Detection
Unsupervised Fingerphoto Presentation Attack Detection With Diffusion Models
Continuous learning: a feasible solution for continuous authentication using PPG ?
On the influence of regularization techniques on label noise robustness: Self-supervised speaker verification as a use case
Mitigating the Impact of Attribute Editing on Face Recognition
FDWST: Fingerphoto Deblurring using Wavelet Style Transfer
Demographic Fairness Transformer for Bias Mitigation in Face Recognition
A Self-Supervised Learning Pipeline for Demographically Fair Facial Attribute Classification
Boosting Unconstrained Face Recognition with Targeted Style Adversary
USFQA: Utility and Sharpness guided Fingerphoto Quality Assessment
Identity-Preserving GAN for Cross-Spectral Iris Recognition
Grains of Saliency: Optimizing Saliency-based Training of Biometric Attack Detection Models
DIOR: Dataset for Indoor-Outdoor Reidentification – Long Range 3D/2D Skeleton Gait Collection Pipeline, Semi-Automated Gait Keypoint Labeling and Baseline Evaluation Methods
A Relative Data Diversity Measure for Synthetic Face Images
Occlusion-aware Cross-Attention Fusion for Video-based Occluded Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
Progressive Self-supervised Representation Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition
Distillation-guided Representation Learning for Unconstrained Gait Recognition
A Reference-Based 3D Semantic-Aware Framework for Accurate Local Facial Attribute Editing
Face Helps Person Re-Identification: Multi-modality Person Re-Identification Based on Vision-Language Models
ConvNext-PNet: An interpretable and explainable deep-learning model for deepfakes detection
Radial Distortion in Face Images: Detection and Impact
Keystroke Dynamics Against Academic Dishonesty in the Age of LLMs
PCR-HIQA: Perceptual Classifiability Ratio for Hand Image Quality
Assessing the Reliability of Biometric Authentication on Virtual Reality Devices
RuleBoost: A Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Robust Deepfake Detection
DSTER: A Dual-Stream Transformer-based Emotion Recognition Model through Keystrokes Dynamics