We are excited to announce the availability of a limited number of travel scholarships for eligible graduate and undergraduate students to attend the IJCB 2024 Doctoral Consortium (DC). A limited number of scholarships, expected to range from $300 to $500, are available for eligible graduate and undergraduate students to attend the IJCB 2024 DC. These scholarships are intended to partially cover expenses such as round-trip flights (limited to U.S. flag carriers or flights ticketed through a U.S. carrier, e.g., codeshare flights on international airlines), accommodation at the conference venue, or the IJCB registration fee. Undergraduate and master’s students are strongly encouraged to apply, as early exposure to such opportunities can be highly beneficial. Priority will be given to women, students from underrepresented groups, and persons with disabilities, in line with the IEEE Biometrics Council’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. To apply, please complete the application form linked below between August 15th and August 30th, 2024. Ph.D. applicants must have already been accepted to attend the DC. Selected master’s and undergraduate applicants will be invited to attend the IJCB 2024 DC. Students should only apply if they are available to attend the DC. Scholarships will be reimbursed following confirmation that the applicant fully attended the DC.
Faculty advisors should also email a letter of support to tjneal@usf.edu by August 30, 2024, 11:59PM Eastern Daylight Time. The advisor’s letter must explicitly state their willingness to support any costs outside of the scholarship amount (e.g., meals, flight, registration, incidentals, transportation to and from the airport, etc.). Faculty advisors must also provide written statements regarding the availability (or lack thereof) of travel funds for the applicant from other sources. Even though the scholarship amounts are small, the faculty letter must reflect that there is some minor financial need.
We especially encourage faculty advisors to support and promote this opportunity among their students from underrepresented groups that are eligible to apply. To further support underrepresented students, we encourage advisors to explore the Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Alliances. These alliances serve as invaluable resources, offering comprehensive programs designed to address underrepresentation in the computing disciplines. By collaborating with academic institutions, K-12 schools, government agencies, industry leaders, professional societies, and other organizations, these alliances work towards achieving a transformation in computing education. You can find a list of these alliances at https://bpcnet.org/alliances/. Notable resources to aid your BPC efforts are listed below:
- National Society of Black Engineers (https://www.nsbe.org/)
- Computing Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI) (https://cahsi.utep.edu/)
- Institute for Mentorship for African Americans in Computer Science (IAAMCS) (http://iaamcs.org/)
- Computing Research Association Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W) (https://cra.org/cra-wp/)
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) (https://www.aises.org/)
A limited number of travel scholarships are available to support undergraduate or graduate students from any U.S. university, regardless of their citizenship or visa status, as well as U.S. citizens studying outside the U.S. Certain individuals are not eligible, including speakers (unless they are students), postdocs, and those supported through a federal grant or scholarship (e.g., NSF’s CyberCorps Scholarship for Service or Graduate Research Fellowship Program). Although students with alternative sources of funding, such as through their advisor’s research funds, are eligible, priority will be given to students without a full means to support conference travel.
We look forward to welcoming the field’s most talented students to the IJCB 2024 Doctoral Consortium.
See the Call for Doctoral Consortium participants for more information on how to take part in the DC.
Applications are open from August 15th to August 30th, 2024 at this link: https://tinyurl.com/ijcb24dctravel.
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